Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Poker is Over -- For This Time

JD tourney at Seals. Mission accomplished.

Happy New Year Just-Dice users, as many of you know the end of the year was the moment chosen to make our JD freeroll tournament at Sealswithclubs, and it was just awesome, all the tournament entries codes run dry some days before the tournament day, that's the proof that everything was a succeed, lol Deb was worry about JD won't be able to get at least 50 players.

Another good things to keep in mind is that most of the people in the tourney seems to be users of Just-dice. We have to give thanks to sqwerty for setting up this tournament and give that awesome support and fast response with the code needed to enter to the tourney, thanks to dooglus too because he's the one that funded this freeroll :P 1 Bitcoin distributed in 9 places.

Well now let's talk about the action in the freeroll, my personal opinion about the tourney is that it was a very even at the beginning the in the first hour almost everybody was with chips count around 1000 - 4000, only few took advantage in the chip count. at that point we had lots of hope that a regular Just-dice users was one the first place winner!. As the game was getting harder most of the JD user were staying out of the game. the hopes became less, even dooglus (yep doog was playing) bite the dust before be < 50 place. 
In the other hand Deb surprise me getting a solid position in the game almost from the beginning (i won't play poker with her, better let's play monopoly :P), some players like me (masterp4) bite the dust in a place lower than 30, a this point the the game was starting to define. Deb bite the dust in a place like 14 pretty good, and SendCookies was in a solid first place position in the chip count.

At the final table!!. well in the table i only recognize as regular JD users the users Derp and SendCookies (sorry if miss to mention other regular). Derp that was battling in thin ice got the #7 and SendCookies that was a the solid rock in chip count got #3, well this is poker in some case the chip leader lose the lead.
And now!! The last two players:
In the Second Place: Jenger won 210 chips (0.21 BTC)
In the First Place: LurkingGood won 330 chips (0.33 BTC)



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